Special Events

Special Events

IUPUI has established procedures that will ensure the application of consistent standards for special events held in university-owned buildings and on university-owned properties.
Prior to the commitment of campus space to an external group, the Special Event application must be submitted.

The IUPUI procedures which ensure consistency addresses appropriate protocol and operational considerations, including but not limited to, coordination for scheduling within the university calendar, evaluating the project requirements, space, risk assessment, security, and public safety arrangements, publicity and media relations.

Below is the Special Event definition. If your event fits this definition, then you must complete a special event application. Please see the internal and external Special Event application process pages to review the process and submit a Special Event Inquiry.

Is your event:

A non-routine activity (typically infrequent) held on the IUPUI Campus that may require awareness by and/or services from multiple departments and by IU Public Safety entities. Major categories of special events are, but not limited to, the following:

  • Conference/ Symposia
  • Ceremonies
  • Seminars
  • VIP Events
  • Exhibits/ Tradeshows

Special Event Review Process: The application notifies these areas of the request. Coordination of any services with these areas will be responded to individually.

  • Auxiliary Services
  • Campus Facilities Services
  • Emergency Management
  • Environmental Health and Safety
  • IU Police Department - Indianapolis
  • Office of Insurance, Loss Control and Claims (INLOCC)
  • Parking and Transportation Services
  • Purchasing

Visit the Special Event guideline to view more information related to hosting an event on the IUPUI Campus.